Friday, February 5, 2010

I'm a big girl!

*Messy: Reese has learned the words messy and dirty and uses them all the time. When she sits down for a meal, she'll dig in (with her fingers) until her hunger is curbed, then she'll announce that her fingers are dirty and she won't eat anything else until they're cleaned. It's usually at this point that she starts using her utensils.

*Splits: Reese is now interested in attempting to do the splits. I'm slightly surprised she can't do them already (since I assume young children are similar to rubber bands), but she stands up and slowly spreads her legs apart announcing "splits! splits!" on a daily basis.
(Pictures to come)

*"Self": Reese likes to call herself a "big girl" (sounds like /b/-/i/-/h/ gurl). She informs you when she wants to do something independently by holding a palm and saying "self!" She particularly insists on climbing into her car seat and stroller by her self.

* Potty: Reese can't decide whether or not the potty is for her. She informs me of almost every "pee-pee" or "poopie" she has, it's just usually after the fact. I try to catch her in the act and prompt her to use the potty, but she doesn't want to, and would rather tell me afterwards. I am slightly impressed, though, that she accurately informs me of what to expect in the diaper.

1 comment:

  1. I am seriously impressed! Reese is adorable and really bright -- you are very lucky!
