Thursday, June 28, 2012

Paige Updates

 Paige won't be two until the fall, but she's got more than enough personality to keep up with her big sister. Some updates on her habits, growth, and personality:

* Remember when I said a few months ago that Paige didn't have a "lovie" like Reese? Well, soon after my post she became enamored with an Ernie doll and a stuffed giraffe. She now sleeps with them both and likes to take Ernie on adventures. When Ernie isn't around and I ask, "Paige, where's Ernie?" She always says, "Hiding!" and then she races to find him. She's not distraught by his absence, but seems to revel in the mystery of where he might be. Without getting frustrated, she will look around the house and if he eludes her she repeats her "hiding" mantra and keeps looking until she's found him.

* For several months now, NO shoe in our house is safe from Paige. She regularly tries on all shapes and sizes of shoes. Even mommy's high heels are no match for her--the fancier the better. Speaking of shoes, Paige had a nasty shoe experience at the end of spring involving moldy insoles. I will spare you the stomach turning details, but it involved me, a stride rite sales man, a pair of shoes less than a month old, and lots of arguing. While Paige loves shoes, she has the sweatiest feet I've ever encountered. I cringe at the thought of our teenage years with her.

* Paige is still in a perpetual state of teething. I now realize that her sister's teeth came in quickly and without drama--Paige is much the opposite. Three pointy teeth and four molars left--I'm not sure how we're going to survive. In an effort to ease her discomfort I decided to give some Ora Gel a try. The only gel I could find was labeled "all natural" and safe to use on infants "as young as four months old." Perfect, or so I thought. When we got home I put some on my finger and convinced Paige to open her mouth for the application. (The process sounded very cave man and went something like, "Paige, open up. Teeth. For your teeth. Teeth. Say 'Ahhhh.") Miraculously, Paige opened up and let me smear the stuff on her gums. She immediately began clearing her throat and ran away from me. Hmm...I tried the stuff, it tasted just like black licorice. I can't blame her for disliking it. So, my next trip to HEB I picked up regular OraGel...this time as soon as I got my finger in her mouth she bit down--HARD. I was in pain, but also a little scared about how to reason with a kid who had my index finger in a compromising situation; so, I did the only thing I could think to do: I screamed. My scream succeed in scaring Paige enough that she loosened her jaw (and began crying) and I got my dented finger back. When I relayed the story to Kevin he didn't even crack a smile. "Why didn't you put some on a q tip or something?" Touche.

*Paige is a total ham and will do ANYTHING for a laugh. If she hears a group of people laughing she immediately goes to investigate and join them. Just the sight of someone else laughing sends her into hysterics as well. Having a bad day? Just give Paige a bath. She'll put bowls on her head, dunk her face in the water, and do whatever it takes to have you laughing with her or at her.

*Paige's vocabulary is growing every day. She is finally comfortable trying new words and one of Reese's favorite past times is to quiz her, "Paige, can you say 'cucumber?'", "Paige can you say 'computer?'" Her pronunciation is still pretty rough, but getting better every day.

* Paige is very interested in people's roles--as in, are they mommies or daddies or grandparents. While she recognizes and points out babies and girls (toddler and preschool age kids), anyone over the age of thirteen spurs the questions, "Mommy?" or "Daddy?". The teenage crowd at our neighborhood pool has her thoroughly confused.

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