Sunday, September 18, 2011

Almost One? How Did That Happen?

Everyone who has had kid grow up and move away will tell you that kids grow up so fast. One day they're sleeping in your arms, the next thing you know you're handing them keys to the car. Seriously, I hear this no less than five times a week from patrons at the grocery store. When I looked at the calendar and realized that we're less than a month from Paige's first birthday, I understood the phenomenon for the first time. While she's no where close to getting a hold of my car keys, how did this year pass us by so quickly?

In the last few weeks Paige's skills are really starting to blossom and she's quickly becoming more toddler-esque. Her movement and play is so much more intentional than a month ago, and her receptive vocabulary is already growing daily.

* Paige waves, high fives, gives kisses, says "hooray," shakes her head no (which she thinks is hilarious), dances to music CONSTANTLY, tries to stack blocks, feeds baby dolls from bottles, and will mimic just about anything she thinks is worth trying.

* The only way to keep Paige on the changing table is to sing to her. Her favorite songs are "If You're Happy and You Know It," "The Wheels on the Bus," and "Patty-Cake." She participates in all the actions and generally stays still long enough to change her diaper.

* We're entering the dreaded two nap-to-one nap transition. 9AM is greeted with yawns, but she's starting to protest her morning nap more often than not.

* No walking yet--just lots of cruising. although she did stand up several times by herself this week.

* The cold that Paige and Reese shared a month ago still wasn't gone this week so I took Paige in to the doctor. Turns out she had a sinus infection and ear infection. Four days of the pink stuff down, six more to go. (On a side note, at her doctor's appointment, we discovered she is already weighs more than Reese did at her one year appointment--it's making the hand-me down thing go pretty smoothly.)

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