A few days before Paige's birthday, we celebrated her first year with a small family birthday party. Both sets of grandparents and both sets of aunts joined us between morning and afternoon nap to squeeze in some presents, pizza (no cooking for me!), and the ritual messy-cake-eating-extravaganza.
The day of Paige's party we got an unexpected visitor: RAIN! It had literally been months since our house was graced with percipitation. At one point Kevin and I even joked that our neighborhood was under a protective forcefield. While none of Austin had seen any measureable rain, our house had missed out on EVERY spotty shower since May.
Paige enjoyed her party as much as most one year olds do--she tore paper out of bags, played with bows, tested her new toys by sticking them in her mouth, and marveled at the spectacle of so many big people with their attention on her.
Paige's carrot cake was a hit, although she didn't get quite as messy as we expected. Unlike her big sister who needed some prompting years ago, Paige dug right in to her cake. I guess it helps that Paige has lived under a slightly less sugar-is-bad-regime than Reese did at the same age. Guess that happens with second children, though.
Here's to another great year with our little one!
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