1. During the week of Thanksgiving she mastered the art of swinging by herself! (Insert angelic choir singing here) The ability to "pump her legs" means no more marathon pushing sessions for Mommy and Daddy, and she's thrilled with the idea that she can swing as high as she wants and for as long as she wants. Since Daddy broke her of her slide phobia the weekend before, she is now a much more independent girl when it comes to the park. With two weeks of cool wet weather lately we haven't been at the park often, and I'm a little worried that our absence may cause some back-tracking, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
2. Reese is absolutely TERRIFIED of the Santa at our local mall. On the two occasions we've visited, she has covered her face and hid behind Paige's stroller. She's unable to articulate her fear, but she felt a little better when I assured her that I wasn't going to make her sit on his lap. We decided to write him a letter this year instead. I'm kicking myself for not scanning the letter into our computer before we mailed it because she even helped with some of the writing. (The letters she feels comfortable with--mainly S, E, C, T, L, and I) We took the letter to the big red mail box at Macy's (since their campaign makes donations based on the number of letters received) after Reese helped address it and stamp it herself. Her "big request" this year? A jack-in-the-box. No problem.

3. Reese and Madeline are becoming best buds. Reese has figured out how to move quietly and slowly in order to approach the cat. Reese also pets her gently, makes her purr, and has even gotten Madeline to roll over for belly rubs.
4. Reese has been very anxious for Paige to walk. She has followed Paige around helping her steer her push-car and is always clapping and cheering for any efforts Paige makes to get mobile.
5. When Aunt Kim recently announced her engagement, Mommy nearly brought down the house with her squeals of delight. I then had to explain to two startled girls the cause of my outburst. While Reese didn't react to the news immediately, several days later, she wrapped her self in this blanket and pranced around the house. She explained that the blanket was her wedding dress. When I asked who she was getting married to she replied, "Ellie!"

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