Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Before I could blink, Thanksgiving was upon us.
Reese's school celebrated Thanksgiving with a special assembly and picnic. Her class dressed up as Native Americans and each child had their own name. As "Dancing Rainbow" Reese was (apparently) the envy of all the other girls in the class. On the day of the picnic, half of the classes dressed up as pilgrims and the other half as Native Americans. They enjoyed a feast of sliced turkey, cheese, pumpkin bread, and a party-mix (a la Chex Mix) that included Bugles (who knew those were still around?!). Daddy and I joked that we were going to save Reese's outfit because its fringe will probably be in vogue when she's a teenager.

For Thanksgiving we visited with both sets of grandparents. We enjoyed two turkey dinners--one before, and one after UT BTHO A&M for the last time.

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