Monday, January 23, 2012

December Condensed

Wow, it's almost February. I've been a little more than behind on updating our dear blog. Blame the holidays, travel, having two kids on the move, doctor's appointments, or insert your own lame excuse here: ________________.

So, in an attempt at redemption I bring you a run down of December.

December started with Kevin's holiday Christmas party. Here's a picture of us at midnight. Need I say more?

Two days later Paige managed to have her first walking accident. To say it was a walking accident is a slight stretch. She was actually standing next to a playscape at the park, there wasn't any lateral movement involved. She suddenly lost her balance and began to fall. If she had fallen straight down onto her bottom it would have been a non event; instead, she tried to catch her fall by grabbing onto the playground equipment. Her fall resulted in a mouth full of blood. I remember the first time Reese sustained a mouth injury (bit her bottom lip) and the amount of blood had me instantly panicked. Now, it nearly takes a protruding bone to get me spun up. I calmed Paige down but couldn't find the cause of the bleeding. Later that day I discovered that she had managed to fall and chip the bottom off of one of her front teeth. Lovely. We're not talking a "Swamp People" quality chip, her two front teeth are now just uneven. I scheduled a dental exam just to make sure everything was ok. After helping pin Paige down at the dentist there was no good news, but not any terrible news either. Yes, she had chipped her front tooth, no they didn't want to smooth it out; yes, BOTH of her front teeth were loose, but no they didn't need to be pulled (yet...we'll wait until they turn black or gray and then they have to go). Basically, if her tooth dies, she'll just be toothless until her permanent ones grow in. Poor girl can't get a break.

All during the month of December we were serenaded by Reese's versions of Christmas songs. I say "Reese's versions" because she knows about 25% of the lyrics to about 20 different holiday songs, and her inability to carry a tune combined with her lyric-osis produced some hilarious creations. One of my favorites was a mash-up of "Up on the Rooftop" and "Away in the Manger." Baby Jesus played a role in almost all of her songs, but was often mentioned int he same breath as Rudolph or Santa. We'll sort out the details in coming years I'm sure. I tried on multiple occasions to get Reese to perform one of her songs on video and she always refused. Days before Christmas I she conceded and produced a surprisingly accurate version of Rudolph.

We have amazing neighbors for many reasons. They have helped us in a number of emergency situations (including child birth and gas leaks) and they associate with us even though our lawn is no where near as manicured as theirs. (We have two young kids and they don't, that's my excuse.) I secretly fear that if we ever move we will have used up our good neighbor quota and be stuck with schmucks. Every year around Christmas we exchange Christmas treats with our neighbors. We have been the recipients of homemade cinnamon rolls, fudge, platters of cookies, and a number of extravagant desserts. This year the girls helped me make treats for the exchange. I decided to make candy coated pretzel rods. The process involved dipping pretzel rods in chocolate and vanilla coating and covering them with all sorts of goodies--crushed peppermints, sprinkles, coconut (dyed both red and green) etc. After about two pretzels there was already one jar of sprinkles on the floor and I realized I was going to be on my own. (No, i didn't give a toddler a jar of sprinkles, I had bowls set out and had a whole system devised...if she was five it might have worked.) While I dipped 100+ pretzels, the girls enjoyed "making" their own. A side note: When I was teaching the OCD side of me always hated art projects involving glitter. No matter HOW you managed the project, glitter was going to be everywhere. My pretzel creations made me realize that sprinkles are the glitter of baking. I swear it has taken nearly a month to feel like my kitchen is finally sprinkle free.

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