Someday when the girls are grown up I know they will be friends. I like to imagine them as best friends, even. There's a lot of time and ground to cover between now and then. There will be arguments over clothes and probably a few wrestling matches to referee, but for now we are experiencing the ups and downs of sisterhood on a constant basis: giggling friends one moment, screaming and biting the next.
At it's best here's the loving sisters in action:
Reese is reading Paige one of her favorite books.
Reese loves to shower Paige with hugs and kisses. Can you blame Paige for being less than enthusiastic if most of the hugs look like this? And, most of the kisses end with Paige on the floor. No matter how many times we've discussed hugs that don't involve strangling and "gentle" kisses, it's just not happening yet.
They are so adorable, and getting so big! We're working on being gentle, too... Wes is as strong as Lani now and really enjoys wrestling. Most of the time Lani thinks it's funny, but I'm anticipating earning my official referee cap in the very near future. I'm glad that the red in Paige's diaper was just a crayon!