Here's what Paige has been up to:
* She's very attached to her blanket. Unlike Reese who has had Ellie as a comfort item, it's taken Paige a long time to adopt a "lovie." We're pretty sure she's chosen her multi colored hospital blankie. We say "pretty sure," because her attachment doesn't seem to run as deep as what we witnessed with her older sister. And at times it seems like any blankie will do.
* Paige's gross motor skills have really taken off. For a kid who chose to crawl and walk slightly later than average, she's made up for it lately. Her climbing is something to behold (usually with your breath held) and she's able to kick and throw a ball as well as her big sister.
* Paige had another visit to a specialist in January, this time an ENT. While she hasn't had a large number of ear infections, her sinus infection count was definitely high for her age. They did some xrays and determined she has enlarged adenoids. The ENT was ready to operate the following week but we've decided to wait until she gets a little older if possible. We were confident in our decision to wait until a few weeks ago when a cold turned into walking pneumonia and we're now worried her congestion has her destined for another sinus infection. It will definitely be a point of discussion at her 18 month well check next week.
* Besides her confidence with heights, Paige is also fearless when it comes to insects. If Reese spies a rolly-polly, caterpillar, or butterfly Paige is after it in moments in order to scoop it up. So far we've been lucky and nothing poisonous has made it into her hands, but this new interest keeps me on high alert when we're playing outside. I'm dreading the day she tries to pick up a fire ant.
* Paige's vocabulary is slowly improving. Reese claims to understand everything she says, but so far Mommy and Daddy are still clueless about 50% of the time. Just last week she decided to finally say "Mama." "Dada" has been a staple for at least six months, but mama has lagged behind other important words like "dog" and "bubble." I'm not bitter or anything. There's no need to say "mama" if I'm always around, right? Paige's comprehension, on the other hand, is great--when she wants to listen.
* Whereas older sister can't be bothered to wear anything BUT a dress, Paige is not a fan...which stinks because I've got a lot of cute hand-me-down dresses in her current clothing size. On the occasion I get a dress on her, she pulls at it and protests the second it gets in the way of her activities. I still try, but it's currently a loosing battle. Same goes for bows or hair decorations of any kind. Her little girl mullet is in its glory days and I'm trying to hold out a little longer before her first haircut.
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